
We had a nice relaxing morning at anchor this morning and then untied from Steve and Kathy and we all made our way north on the ICW to just outside of downtown Savannah. This marina is right on the river which is part of the ICW and they have ferocious currents here as well as a 9 foot tide!! 😳 We docked at the fuel dock on a side tie for a pump out and almost couldn’t get off the dock, even with thrusters to move to our overnight tie. Tom did the fanciest maneuvering I have ever witnessed and slid us in between two other boats on the dock without hitting a darn thing!! LOL! The bad thing is - we aren’t sure how we are going to get off the dock and out of here with other boats so close. The marina had the looper behind us move his boat way back to give us room, and when we returned to the boat tonight, there is a small power boat docked 3 feet off our stern. Sort of defeats the purpose of moving the bigger boat… We will see what the current and wind is doi...