At Anchor

 We were able to leave St. Simons Island today with w fully functional engine/water pump and tonight are anchored out in the middle of nowhere! Steve found the anchorage on his charts and all I know is that we are 26 nautical miles from Savannah and anchored in the shallows of some river….  We are rafted up to Steve and Kathy so if there anchor doesn’t hold we’re toast!  LOL!  It is the most serene, peaceful place to be - we had docktails up on our flying bridge tonight and watched at least a dozen dolphins playing and fishing in the water beside our boats.  Life doesn’t get much better than this and I realize every day how lucky we are to be living it.

Poor Dewey got seasick today. He has been so good with all the wild rides he’s had, but today we were crossing our third and last inlet of the day and the wind and current were pushing the boat around pretty good.  We heard this loud, mournful howling and then it happened… He threw up all that was in his tummy and then seemed to feel better and even ate some dinner. Hopefully he has a better day tomorrow.

Kathy made tacos for dinner and the hardest part of that was getting over onto their boat with the current racing between our boats.  Tom went first and helped me go from our swim platform to theirs and I didn’t even get wet! I just couldn’t think about the 18 inches of open water I needed to step over…

We watched a pretty sunset from the flying bridge before buttoning up the boat for sleeping.  Off to Savannah tomorrow!


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