Groceries and Laundry

 We borrowed the courtesy van from the marina this morning and got several errands out of the way. Tom dropped Steve, Kathy and me off at Publix and he went to the auto store to pick up some supplies and met us back there to help finish up the grocery shopping.  It was a two-cart affair today as we were out of most everything including water, coffee and soda.  It’s always good to stock up on the heavy stuff when you have a vehicle! The hardest, most time-consuming part of grocery shopping comes after you unload the car…. The hunt starts for marine carts - those big black bucket looking things with 2 large wheels, similar to a wheelbarrow. Once they are loaded up you need to navigate the ramps and endless stretches of docks to your boat, heave everything over the side of the boat, unpack and find space for all of it.  It’s often a 3 hour ordeal from start to finish and today was no exception! I will never take grocery shopping while living in a house for granted again…

I had one load of laundry left to do, so I loaded up my shopping cart with that and made a similar trek to the laundry room near the office and got my exercise in running back to load into the dryer and cart the clean clothes back to the boat. We filled up with water also, so I think we’re ready to leave tomorrow and anchor out tomorrow night.

Steve and Kathy came over for a picnic dinner of sorts - brats and chips! We were going to grill out, but the winds kicked up again so strong we almost had 1 foot breaking waves down the fairway of the marina. We opted to cook inside, do some route planning and relax a little before turning in.


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