Georgia On My Mind

 We left Florida today and have entered Georgia - a new state for us! We left the free dock along with How Sweet It Is about 7:30 am and arrived on Jekyll Island GA at 2:00 pm.  It was less windy today, which was a relief, and the currents weren’t too bad. We are tied to the linear dock on the outside of the marina and have met several other loopers here besides the 4 of us.

The island is a very fun tourist area and we were able to borrow one of the golf carts from the marina to drive around the island and stop for a bite of lunch.  We mapped out our plans for tomorrow over lemon drop martinis and now we have to hope we can get another golf cart tomorrow morning.

The grounds are simple, but nice and clean.  There is a restaurant on site, swimming pool, hot tub and laundry.  And - a marina cat - an orange little girl! Of course I spotted the cat right away and she is so friendly!

We washed all the salt off the boat and I was going to do laundry, but lost my focus - it will have to wait until tomorrow….

Docktails on Steve and Kathy’s boat finished the evening and we need to get our beauty sleep so we can play tomorrow!

                                                      Marina cat napping beside the office porch


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