
 We were reunited with our good looper friends, Steve and Kathy, after a very long, bumpy day on the AICW. We turned into the St. John’s River and it was a welcome sight to see the two of them waiting on the free dock to catch our lines. The docking on the Sister Creek free dock was tricky with the wind and current, but Tom handled it like a boss and then there were lots of hugs when we were finally secured. We even started our happy hour a couple of hours early - because we could - and there was a lot of chatter getting caught up on the last 4 months.  Kathy graciously had dinner for us on her boat and it was just like old times coming down the rivers. After a great meal and a long day, we are ready to turn in.

Madison loves it here - it’s quite rural with nice wide floating concrete docks and she can get off and on the boat all by herself.  She feels pretty smart trotting down the dock to do her business without a leash!

There are several other looper boats on their dock with us, so we were lucky to get the 2nd to the last spot. There is a sunken power boat still tied to the dock which takes up a whole space and the state has been threatening to tow it out of here for months.  So irritating that it is still here…

Madison has taken to going out on the side deck of the boat while we are underway and either watching the world go by or sleeping out there.  I don’t know what has brought on the new habit, but she loves it!



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