Island Day

 We packed a lot into our day today - no wonder I’m tired! After breakfast Kathy, Steve and I borrowed a golf cart and drove to the Georgia Sea Turtle Center.  Tom stayed behind to work on a boat project. The sea turtle center is a combo educational and rehabilitation facility for the whole state of Georgia and we learned a lot. We went through the whole teaching exhibit, saw the surgery center, watched a recovering turtle being tube fed and then went to the area where the recovering turtles are in large pools and monitored to see if they can be released into the ocean or not. One large turtle was there recovering from a propeller strike on it’s shell and several were there for skin lesions or metabolic issues.  We got to observe feeding time as well.

I almost forgot - before we ever left the marina we saw a big manatee swimming around the boats across from ours and we followed it down the whole row. I got some pictures and a great one of it’s face as it came up to look at me.  My first manatee sighting since entering Florida! I was beginning to think I would never see one….

There is a Historic District on the Island where the buildings from the original settlement of the island still stand and now shops and various services are housed in them.  Kathy and I shopped most all of them while Steve sat in the golf cart waiting for us!

After lunch I hauled 2 loads of laundry up to the main marina building and got that done - only one more load to do at the next marina.  I got my steps in for sure….  While up there I found out that the marina cat is a male, Mo, and he is around 16 years old.  Apparently he arrived 10 years ago on a sailboat and bailed ship, choosing to live here instead.  He hates boats and the water, but loves it here, and everyone here loves him.  One of the dockhands tried to take him home and he escaped and was waiting at the marina for him when he reported to work the next day!  Haha. He’s a pretty “chill” kitty and will take all the loves people give him.

We met a few new loopers today as new boats came in to dock and Steve and I did some route planning for the next couple of weeks.  Now I have to start calling the marinas for reservations, which is the nerve-wracking part…

We hosted dinner on the Orion tonight and it was Italian night! Spaghetti with marinara sauce, Chianti and chocolate wine for dessert. Yum! Tomorrow we only travel 10 miles up the river to the next island and have to leave during high tide, so we will not go until mid afternoon.  The tides have a 7 foot swing here!! Can’t wait to see what the next stop holds.

                                                                  Turtle Center

                                                                  Sweet Mo

                                                              Historic District


                                                                    Manatee tail


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