Vero Beach

 Steve and Julie left the boat early this morning to drive back to Naples and Tom and I left the dock by ourselves for the 5 hour trip to Vero Beach. It seemed strange to be alone - just the 2 of us - we hadn’t been on the boat alone sine Feb 1st when I had my accident.  Turns out we still have it and we did fine.  I’m able to do quite a bit around the boat now and we figured out how to work around what I cannot do.

It was a perfect travel day and we went under 6 bridges, but only needed one to open for us. We got a pump out when we arrived at the marina then tied up at a long dock. We decided to walk the 5 blocks we were told to the beach where the shops and restaurants were and it was so much farther than 5 blocks! We finally got to the beach, found a place for some lunch and then walked on the beach for awhile.  Guess what? We took an Uber back to the marina! LOL!

This evening we prepared for the trip tomorrow, took showers and changed the sheets on our bed. One of the most difficult tasks on the boat is changing the sheets - ugh! But it will feel so good tonight…

We talked with our friends, Steve and Kathy today and made arrangements to meet up with them Friday night.  Sure hope the weather holds…


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