
After spending Sunday organizing and packing, today we are in Nashville. We left yesterday morning after spending an HOUR turning the boat around in the slip so Dave could work on the bow pulpit from the dock. The boat slips in this marina do not have a full length side dock so you have to position your boat so you can climb out onto that narrow 10 ft long piece of dock and for us that means backing into the slip. The front of the boat is then secured by lassoing tall wood pilings on either side of the bow with a loop of line around a boat hook. It requires a lot of agility and praying! In addition, since we are off the boat during hurricane season, we are required to double up on our lines. For Orion, that means a total of 10 lines! We knew Madison and I could not crawl over the bow railing and lower ourselves down to that ridiculous piece of side dock, so we loaded the car, secured the animals on the dock and got me off the boat. Tom had to undo all the lines, turn the boat arou...