Return to New Bern

 As I predicted, today was bittersweet…. We left the dock this morning with Steve and Kathy for the last time and followed them to New Bern until we turned into the creek leading to our new marina and they continued on the Neuse River to their home marina near downtown.  It was such a weird feeling watching the space between our boats grow until they were a small dot on the horizon. We figured out that we have cruised with them for at least 7 months of our loop and we had it down to a finely choreographed dance. Our new marina is very nice, people are so friendly and it has great amenities, but we feel just a little lost right now and it will take us awhile to get our bearings.

We are technically in New Bern, but 6 miles outside of town in a development called Fairfield Harbor.  There are several areas of homes, the marina, condos, pool, miniature golf and a beautiful golf course.  Actually we are considering it as a place to settle down in a home eventually.  We shall see… We have our car with us, so we have transportation which is important since we cannot walk downtown from our boat here and that helps us feel connected for sure.

Dinner was on How Sweet It Is for one last time and a good time was had by all… Sure was different having to drive back to our boat instead of walking down a dock!

Tomorrow we start cleaning the boat inside and out and preparing to leave it for a couple of weeks while we go to Orlando to stay with Mark and Kerry’s dogs and house sit for them. So much to do…

Steve and Kathy pulling away from us as we approach New Bern


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