Big Rains

 It’s been a long time since I have been in such huge rainstorms, but we have been having a doozy. We woke up yesterday to loud thunder, torrential rains and a lot of wind. Madison was freaking out and was basically trying to burrow into the wall of the boat in our cabin… Dewey was even a little scared and I’ve never seen that. The worst part of the day was that the winds picked up and the water began flowing out of the creek the marina is on. The water level went down about 2 feet and that resulted in us being unable to get off the boat onto the narrow little piece of dock for the whole day. Madison luckily knows how to potty on the boat, but it was a weird feeling being trapped on your own boat. The dock was so far above us I could look underneath and see the bottom of the boats in the next row!

Today the wind has shifted and by daylight the water level was such that we as well as the dog could once again get off the boat. I did a couple of loads of laundry in the marina laundry room, we took Madison for a walk and I went with Tom while he hit a bucket of balls at the driving range. I have started getting some things packed because leave Monday morning for Kenosha by way of Nashville. We will stay overnight with Johanna and drive to Kate’s on Wednesday. Cannot wait to see my girls and that little grandson, Ian!


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