Holiday Weekend

 It was sort of a strange 4th of July weekend, but a good one none the less. Sunday we decided to go exploring the area since we have wheels now… Drove to Moorhead City, which is a coastal town that we did not stop at on the water and it was a nice place. After awhile all the beach towns start to look the same to me and this one was no different. The beach was packed since it was a holiday weekend, so we didn’t stop - parking also a nightmare. I wouldn’t mind going back there on a weekday for sure.

It has been so stinking hot and humid, we Arizonans can’t even breathe! We stayed inside the air conditioning for the rest of that day and watched a movie via DVD.

Monday we were in the car by 8 am on the way to downtown New Bern for a 4th of July celebration at Tryon Palace. It is a huge mansion that was built in the 1700’s and was home to the first governor of NC when New Bern was the capital. It was designed in the Georgian style and has beautiful symmetrical gardens and grounds. Guides were dressed in period costume, a working outdoor campsite was staffed, a fife and drum corps performed, rifle salutes were performed and we could tour all the outdoor grounds.  What beautiful gardens. There is a restaurant housed in the mansion which is farm to table and they serve dishes that utilize all the vegetables and herbs grown on the property. We stayed about 2 hours and then came back to the marina.

We fully intended to have our own cookout and got burgers and deli salads to do that, but it was so hot we weren’t hungry for that, so we had cold cuts instead.  Today we finally did the burgers for lunch!

Today was spent packing, defrosting the refrigerator and the ice maker and getting the boat ready to leave for 2 weeks. We will leave for Orlando bright and early tomorrow morning - it’s a 10 hour drive, so I want to get an early start. Florida here we come! This time by car…


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