
We took the Ocracoke passenger ferry today to Hatteras. It’s a one hour ride so we arrived there at noon and took the 4:30 pm ferry back here, giving us a few hours to explore. Unlike Ocracoke, Hatteras is not a walking destination, so we were limited to the area around the ferry terminal for our exploration, but that was still fun. We ate lunch at a tiki bar, nosed around all the tourist shops, toured the Shipwrecks museum and spent an hour on the beach. The museum was fascinating - there are 50+ sunken ships dating back to the 1800’s on the Atlantic side of Cape Hatteras and they are still dangerous waters today. There was a nice boardwalk down to the beach and this beach was slightly different than here at Ocracoke as it was a steep decline into the ocean and you could tell there was a big drop off in the water. Still beautiful and still pretty good shelling. Sad to think that it was my last visit to the beach for awhile…. Dinner was aboard the Orion and afterwards ...