Columbus MS
I will try to catch you up on our travels by giving you the short version. I have to be honest - after my mom died my concentration has not been the same and I haven’t had the mental energy to blog every night. There have been lots of arrangements to be made, details to attend to and loose ends to tie up. I have been in constant contact with my brothers in MN and FL and last weekend I flew up to Minnesota to meet them and begin sorting through her things and emptying her apartment. We made a lot of progress and will finish up when I get back there mid-November. We have to have her apartment empty by Nov. 30. We have continued to travel down the river system and are now in Columbus, MS at Columbus Marina and will stay here until Saturday. One of the highlights along the way was our stay at New Johnsonville TN at a marina 2 hours from Nashville. Johanna and Ben drove over Saturday afternoon and stayed on the boat, leaving Sunday morning. We used their c...