Paris Landing State Park

 We’re in Tennessee! We left Green Turtle Bay Marina about 7 am and the trip here was 5 hours.  We traveled on Kentucky Lake and it was beautiful and relaxing. We ended up in a group of 5 looper boats, but we were spread out so there was no drama. After the river currents and barge traffic this was a welcome change and this state park is beautiful. We got a pump out and topped off our fuel and then pulled into a nice, wide slip right next to the office. Madison is very excited about the short walk to grass!

It was a mostly cloudy day, but no rain for our trip.  The rain began, however, about 2 hours after our arrival and will probably continue until the morning.  Our plans to grill out were thwarted - another night I guess… We grabbed a bite to eat at the restaurant here and then just snacked for dinner. We are reveling in the good WiFi and are actually watching some Netflix!

There is a bird of prey sanctuary here and they rehab owls, hawks and eagles, so I hope to be able to go see them before we leave in the morning. No pics today in the rain….


Jennifer Holsen said…
Your river travel is fascinating! surprised at all the debris in the water.

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