Still here

 It was a grey, windy and stormy day on the Ohio River, so we stayed an extra day in Paducah rather than travel in bad weather. Steve helped Tom take the windlass apart and it really pays to have a friend who is an engineer, because he thinks he fixed the problem.  One of the gears inside the mechanism looked to be slightly bent, so Steve filed and sanded it and re-installed it.  We haven’t been able to test it out in these tight quarters, but when we get to our next marina we will see if it’s fixed.  Fingers crossed!

While the guys worked on the windlass Kathy and I walked to downtown Paducah and there were some cute shops that were actually open.  I got some cute appetizer plates and small bowls that I can use on the boat, so I’m ready for docktails now.

The afternoon was spent making salads and hunkering down during the downpour. Tonight we shared a homemade spaghetti dinner on Kathy and Steve’s boat, topped off our water and prepared for our departure tomorrow. There should be 6 boats traveling together and we hope we don’t have to wait long to get through the Kentucky lock.

                   The cement flood wall protecting the city from river floods and the murals painted on it.


Jennifer Holsen said…
Love your spontaneous lifestyle. Just go with the flow and adapt to changing conditions. Making lifelong friends aren’t you.

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