Long Day

 Another, and last, day of moving off the boat. 4 trips to the storage unit and one last one in the morning with bedding and we’re done. In addition to packing bins we cleaned up the bow pulpit where some adhesive was oozing out around the stainless plate, pumped up the dinghy, secured all fenders to the rails and hosed the boat off. Our boat neighbor, Richard, became the recipient of liquor, refrigerator items, cleaning supplies and some engine oil. He has started calling Tom Santa Claus.  LOL!

Funny story for the last day on Orion…. When we moved onto the boat almost 2 years ago we discovered a new cubby filled with treasures weekly. The prior owners had just walked off the boat leaving expensive appliances, cutlery, knives etc behind. Everything they had was top of the line so I am leaving with wonderful treasures. About a year in, we discovered a cubby under the dinette seat containing a $900 Bluetooth printer! We were chuckling about finding those treasures when Tom pointed to a corner of the couch and asked if I had emptied that yet. I told him no, since there was no storage under there and I had never looked. Well, he pulled the cushions off and saw a removable over exposing a huge storage cavity full of boxes. I was dumb founded!! We found a brand new induction burner unit, a brand new Instant pot with all the accessories, a deluxe vacuum sealer with all kinds of bags and an assortment of table cloths and napkins. We were stunned and thought how fitting it was that we found this bonanza on our last day!

Showers felt good tonight and I’m looking forward to one last night of being gently rocked to sleep to the sound of water lapping at the bow of the boat near my head.



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