Last Voyage

 What an emotional but wonderful day on the water… We pulled away from the dock at Coinjock around 7 am and after taking lines and fenders away for the last time I watched the marina disappear from view through tears. 😢 We spent much of the 5 hour trip remembering events from our one and a half years of travel and thinking out loud about what comes next.

There was a lot more boat traffic today since we are so close to Norfolk so we got passed several times. (We are always the slowest boat). Also 3 bridges to go thru, two of which had to open for us. So it ends where it began in October 2021 here at Atlantic Yacht Basin in Chesapeake VA. We met with the boat broker we are listing the boat with from  Virginia Yacht Brokers and we like him a lot. I feel good about listing our boat with them and we hope for a timely sale. His wife stages the boat after we move off and makes a video, so I will post the link to that when it’s ready.

Tomorrow around noon Steve and Kathy are driving up from New Bern to drive us back down to our car so we can drive it back up here tomorrow evening. I’m sure there will be a dinner in there somewhere, and Kathy will have to say goodbye to Dewey, her little buddy. Early Sunday morning we drive to Baltimore to spend the week at Dan’s taking care of granddaughters and pets while Dan and Andrea fly to Indiana for her grandpa’s funeral. Then we will watch them during the day while they work for the remainder of the week. I will continue to blog until we decide what we do next so you can keep up with our land adventures - stay tuned!


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