Last Anchorage

 As we near the end of our great loop we are having a series of “lasts”. Tonight is our last anchorage on this loop, rafted up with Steve and Kathy. We had a beautiful 5 hour cruise north on the ICW to Mile Hammock Bay, which is where Camp Lejeune is (Marines). It is an iconic anchorage for loopers and I can certainly see why.  Wow, is it gorgeous in here.  By the end of the evening we have 8 other boats anchored in here and as darkness falls all is silent and the night is lit by scattered anchor lights dotting the water.

We passed lots of huge beautiful homes today, which is just the norm for the homes on the water and at one point passed a group of folks stationed out on their deck on the water with a homemade No Wake sign. They had a radio and would radio passing boats that they didn’t think were going slow enough and tell them to slow down.  Tom dubbed them the Porch Nazis.  Just for the record, we did not get yelled at - Tom is always careful not to wake people’s docks and boats….

We had a nice lunch of hot dogs and pasta salad on our boat for the four of us, then we both took our dinghy’s down and loaded up for a trip around the corner to the beach.  We pulled the dinghy’s up on an island, or sand bar and walked across to the ocean side.  I never get tired of being on the beach and watching the waves crash.  Kathy collected more shells and I scooped up a few prized shells and lots of sea glass.  Not the beautiful rainbow of blues and greens found in Kenosha, but lots of white. Also found some cool polished agates.  (Charlotte would love these). After a couple of hours we returned to our boats and Kathy fixed Hawaiian Chicken for dinner.

Tomorrow off to Beaufort (Bow-Fort) NC for 2 nights.

“Porch Nazis”


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