
 What a nice break today - not traveling - getting to explore Georgetown. After a leisurely morning the 4 of us set out for downtown and went to the Maritime Museum and then to the Kaminsky House, which is a huge mansion from the 1700’s. We didn’t want to wait for a guided tour of the home, so we wandered the grounds and marveled at the setting and beautiful gardens. A delicious lunch at Rolling Local where Kathy and Tom had freshly made Sushi and Steve and I had Hibachi. It was delicious and quite unexpected!

The guys returned to their boats and Kathy and I did some window shopping in every cute little shop on Front Street. Tom and I took Madison for a pretty long walk through the neighborhoods and I wanted every house we passed…. A stop at the Shrimp Store for some fresh shrimp finished out the afternoon and it was time for docktails and dinner with Steve and Kathy.  Surprise - she made a shrimp and pasta dish! We are in the heart of fresh shrimp country.

There are 8 looper boats in this little marina and we met a new couple who started their loop 8 days ago.  It was funny to talk to him - I saw ourselves a year ago when we were fresh and blissfully unaware of all that was to come…. 

Short trip tomorrow halfway to Myrtle Beach, but it’s supposed to rain in the afternoon, so we will get an early start so I hopefully won’t have to handle lines in the rain!


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