Beaufort NC

What an interesting day it was on the water today… We left our anchorage at Camp Lejeune at 7:30 and were at the swing bridge by 8:30. This bridge only opened on the half hour so we had to time it just right and when we got there we were among 5 boats waiting for the opening - 3 sailboats had arrived ahead of us and by the time the bridge actually opened, 3 trawlers that had anchored with us were also in line behind us. The was a “rumor” that the bridge opening would be delayed due to live fire exercises by the marines, but it opened on schedule at 8:30 and all the boats filed through.  What no one told us is, that we would be held up on the other side of the bridge by a navy patrol boat until 9 am when the live fire exercise was finished….

After we were allowed to proceed p the ICW, there was a lot of jockeying for position according to boat speed, so we were passed by all the trawlers except one and then we settled into cruising mode.  It was such a nice day that we drove from the flying bridge and I drove at least half of the day since it was pretty laid back with little current and wind. Again we passed one beautiful house after another - Florida has got nothing on this region for big mansions on the water!

Our approach into the marina got a little wild, as we went right by the inlet out into the Atlantic and there was a steady line of boats coming in while the water got big with waves and wind. We merged into the line and followed Steve into the Homer Smith Docks and Marina which is a very pretty marina.  It was destroyed by the hurricane here a couple of years ago and has been built back better than ever.  Everything is brand new and we are tucked into a slip right next to Steve and Kathy. They have a courtesy van to use free of charge, free laundry and free ice.  As a boater all of those things are huge! LOL!

I can’t believe I’m finally in Beaufort (Bo-fort) - this is one of those places that I always wanted to visit on the loop and would watch our You-Tube boaters visit, and here I am! There is an island right across the small bay here with wild horses on it. We saw about three of them on the way in, but I’m not sure I was able to capture them in a picture.

After getting settled and walking Madison for her business, the four of us walked the 5 blocks to the downtown area and found a place to have a beer and some lunch. The city docks and marina are along the waterfront downtown and the rest of our looper buddies are docked over there. Kathy and I found several cute shops we want to go back and visit tomorrow without husbands…

Since we had a late lunch, we just had cocktails and snacks on our boat and called it a night a short time ago. I’m so looking forward to NOT traveling tomorrow!

Pretty alleyway downtown


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