Some Progress

Tuesday was a big day. Tom and I loaded up the car with things we had here at Mark’s house and drove the 3 hours to the boat - arriving there at 10 am. We got our things onto the boat and spent about an hour there before heading to Gainesville for my doctor appointment. While in Steinhatchee we met the couple on the boat parked behind us at the marina. They had sent us a message after hearing what happened from the Dockmaster and offered their help in any way we needed and also their prayers of support.  Still meeting great loopers - unbelievable…

It was a long 2 hours at the clinic and I’ll give you the highlights. After an exam and x-rays I was told I need to have the pins in my ring finger joint for an additional 4 weeks, but that I could move to a small splint that could be removed for short times. Small victory! And I can shower as long as I don’t get soap on that hand! I had an evaluation visit with physical and occupational therapy and she is the one who made my splint. It was a painful couple of hours and I was mentally exhausted, but I feel like things are moving in the right direction. It’s just going to be a long road….

Our plan is still to have Mark and Kerry take us to the boat on Saturday and we will have our friend, Jim, help us move it down the gulf coast to St. Petersburg. Stay tuned…

Spent the afternoon last Sunday at Lake Eola  in downtown Orlando. Famous for the black swans that live there.


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