Snow in Pensacola?

 There was actually snow in the forecast here for today.  There might have been some flurries, but mostly it was really cold (in the 30’s) and rainy.  Yuk! So - we stayed snugged and warm on the boat for the day.  Slept in, French toast for breakfast, movies, and stuffed peppers for dinner.  Got my bike folded and hoisted up onto the flying bridge and lost feeling in our fingers doing it.  I’m so ready for some warm temps!

The plan is to leave at first light tomorrow morning for Destin, FL.  It will be a 7 hour trip, so that’s why the early departure.  We are hoping the forecast is accurate with no rain and light winds - we will let you know!

                                      This about sums up how we all spent the day!


Jennifer Holsen said…
It is so wrong to be that cold in Florida. 7 inches of snow in Virginia Beach and no snow in South Dakota.It’s so nuts everywhere.

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