Rainy Day

 We slept in this morning and it was glorious - we have been getting up at 5:30 am to get out on the water. It started raining during the night and has rained off and on all day with no signs of stopping until sunrise. We made the most of the day, though, with a trip to the grocery store late morning. The local Piggly Wiggly was a real nice store (the only grocery in town) and was only a 15 minute walk from the boat. We loaded up on staples and sandwich makings for lunches and hauled it all back to the boat in wheeled carts. Then after a brief break we took Madison and set out to explore the cute little shops all over the downtown area.

This is a very dog-friendly town and virtually all the shop keepers have dog treats on hand for the pooches who come into their stores.  (Yup, you can bring your dog right into the store with you!) Some store owners even came outside as we passed by to give her a treat.  She was thrilled and ate her way through the whole shopping district! Her favorite by far was the doggy store where we purchased some homemade dog biscuits and a bag of crunchy treats. A quick stop at the liquor store to replenish the brandy and we came back to the warmth of Orion.

The couple on the boat ahead of us on the dock is from the UK and are on their way to the Bahamas, so we asked them over for a glass of wine before their dinner buddies arrived.  What a nice, delightful and entertaining couple! They have traveled to Mexico, Cuba and the Bahamas many times by boat and had the most interesting stories! They also travel with their 11 yr. old dog “Salty” and he and Madison did quite a bit of sniffing each other out!

We leave here mid-morning, as it is only a 4 hour trip to Carabelle, where we will be until it is safe and comfortable to cross the Gulf of Mexico to the lower part of Florida.


Jennifer Holsen said…
I love your tales of meeting new people and where they are from. Such an adventure.

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