Panama City FL

 Well, for starters it was so cold last night that there was ice all over the boat this morning.  The docks were icy also, so I didn’t venture off the boat at all!  We had hosed the boat down to remove all the salt water and I guess between that and the dew there was enough water to form ice.  Our storage compartments were iced shut and all the fenders and lines were “white” with frost.  Yuk!

We had a nice day of travel with lots of dolphin escorts and tonight are tied up to the fuel dock at a marina in Panama City.  Most of the marinas here were wiped out by Hurricane Michael 2 years ago, so places to dock your boat are few and far between.  We were lucky to secure this spot and all I can say is, at least we are tied to a solid structure and it’s only for overnight! Completely safe, just weird…

As I head to bed the boat is aglow with red neon light from the Fuel sign shining brightly.  Can’t make this stuff up!

Our welcoming committee of cormorants


Jennifer Holsen said…
Ice in Florida. Not nice.

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