Niceville FL

 No pictures today, but we had an uneventful travel day to Niceville which is near Destin. We are docked at a lovely marina in a protected bay and are the only loopers here. We did connect with two other looper boats over NEBO and the radio on our way here.  They were a few miles behind us and saw us on the app, so they gave us a call.  When we were settled, I called the gal back and we chatted for awhile.  They are anxious to find travel buddies to cross the Gulf with too, so our plan is to meet up in Apalachicola Monday night and then coordinate the crossing. They are at a marina not far from here tonight and we will both be in Panama City tomorrow night, but also in different marinas. I’m looking forward to being with other boaters again…

We ate lunch at the restaurant here and while we were eating, Patty, the Harbor Host here came to our table to introduce herself and invite us to docktails on her boat.  She and her husband did the loop in 2014 and have lived on their boat ever since. He died a year ago and she continues to live on the boat here and is an ambassador for the loopers who come through. We spent a couple of hours on her boat chatting and swapping stories and she has had a fascinating life!

Another early morning, so off to bed we go….


Jennifer Holsen said…
Safe travels across the gulf!

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