First Full Day

 Our first full day in Carrabelle was a good one by our standards!  Sun was out, temps in the 60’s and no gale force winds! We used the time to do some projects on the boat and some min-exploring so the time went fast.  Most all of our lines were soaking wet due to the big rains and we were able to take them out and lay them out along the dock to dry in the sun. I use a special pellet-based cat pan on board and due to events I won’t recount here, the whole thing needed a good scrubbing.  The pellets are technically “washable”, although I prefer not to do that. When you are not near a Walmart to get new bags - you wash them….  A nylon laundry bag, a hose, salt water and a bucket did the trick and they also dried in the sun on the dock.  Dewey says thank you….

Tom used my electric bike to go to the hardware store for some light bulbs and explore some of the area just off the main drag and then we walked to the marina next door to visit our friends who are tied up over there. We arranged to meet for dinner at a restaurant in between our marinas called “The Fisherman’s Wife” and it was a fun time with lots of laughs, but just so-so food.  Oh well….

The weather window still looks like a possible gulf crossing on Sunday to Monday, so we will wait…. In the meantime we are getting used to moving the boat every night and every morning to avoid hitting the crappy docks and Madison is getting better at getting off the boat.  High tide is at 8 pm, so that is her best exit and her last potty trip for the night.  She’s a good girl with a big bladder which helps a lot!


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