Moving - finally!!

  For the first time in over 2 weeks we moved the boat! Circumstances and good weather came together and we were able to go south to Port Washington, WI and we pulled into the marina about 1 pm. Our last day in Manitowoc was spent doing 3 loads of laundry, washing part of the boat and meeting new loopers who had arrived while we were off the boat.

Since bad weather wouldn’t let us take the boat to Kenosha, Riley (our son-in-law) came to pick us up and drive us to Kenosha.  Lynette stayed one night at their house, while Tom and I got a hotel room near the marina that allowed dogs.  I took Lynette to the airport in Milwaukee to fly home, Madison had a vet appointment and had her vaccines and she spent 2 days in doggie day care so she wouldn’t have to sit in a hotel room alone. We got to spend a couple of days with Kate and Riley and Mimi and Bapa got some quality time in with Ian. Jana and Jeff drove to Kenosha to spend 2 days with all of us and we celebrated Tom’s birthday together too.

Jana and Jeff drove back to Manitowoc with us for the weekend and we all stayed on the boat before they dropped us back in Kenosha on their way home Monday with Madison and Dewey in tow. Tom and I flew out of Milwaukee to Arizona for a planned cardiac check-up for Tom and we got to see many of our friends that we had not gotten to say good-bye to due to Covid. It was a whirlwind visit, but Tom got a clean bill of health and we got to enjoy a great swimming pool again during the still very hot days in Scottsdale!

We altered our flight plans in order to fly to MN so I could visit with my mom for the weekend and then we rented a car and drove across WI with the animals back to the boat in Manitowoc. If you’re dizzy trying to keep up with that agenda I feel your exhaustion since I lived it….

Of course the weather prevented us from leaving Manitowoc yesterday, but we made the best of it and actually met some new looper friends.  Three couples walked to The Courthouse Pub last night, had a yummy dinner and then were invited by still another couple onto their boat for Brandy Old Fashioned Sweets.  For those of you not from WI, you simply cannot get that cocktail made the WI way anywhere else in the US, so it was a treat for sure.

Today was a wonderful day on Lake Michigan and we have a 6 hour ride to Port Washington.  The marina is immaculate and we are 2 blocks from downtown which is darling. We walked around and did a lot of window shopping, Tom purchased some casual slacks and we stopped for an ice cream cone.  They were having an event called “Ladies Night Out” for a period of 5 hours so vendors had all sorts of booths set up and the merchants all had special promotions.  The highlight of my afternoon was hands down the Elvis impersonator with a karaoke machine performing in full costume.  He wasn’t bad, but just not something I expected to see in the middle of downtown in the middle of the afternoon!! LOL!

Hopefully I will have time to take some pictures tomorrow…


Jennifer Holsen said…
Great to hear the update and that Jana and Jeff got there. Good to hear Tom got a clean bill of health.

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