Mile Marker 159

 Today was one of those days that tests your patience and will to do the Loop…. We left a little later (8:00 am) since we did not have a lock to go through today and the first 3 hours going down the river were pretty pleasant.  Then traffic began to appear and we played “dodge the barges” for awhile. Then the real fun began when the free wall we planned to stay on in Peoria was full. Now - it’s not like anywhere else where you can just go on down the line and stay at a different marina…. We literally didn’t have a place to stay tonight and no plan.  Tom did some quick research and found a restaurant 6 miles down river that advertised that they had docks. I called and that it how we ended up at Kuchies on the Water at mile marker 159!

There are 5 small slips for pontoon or other boats to pull into while stopping to eat and then one long dock either side of them.  We are tied up on one and Steve & Kathy on the other. We hiked up the short hill to the restaurant and begged them to let us stay for the night, even though it is not usually allowed.  They must have taken pity on us, because I was prepared to cry if I had too… We have no electric, but we are pretty self-sufficient and we are just grateful for the safe stop. The pictures show my view from the back of the boat - the restaurant, and the bridge and barges lined up along the river.

Someone wisely told me that doing the loop is not a vacation, but it is an adventure.  They had no idea….

The other photos are what I woke up to this morning in Henry.  All those birds right behind the boat and Dewey staring at them out the window!  😂


Jennifer Holsen said…
Obviously, loopers have to be resourceful. Good job figuring it out.

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