Where It All Began

 We left Gibraltor at first light this morning and our reward was a beautiful sunrise. Not too much ship traffic on the Detroit River today - only met 5 and they were going slow and we were in a wide area of the shipping channel.  Whew! I have to say it was very strange looking to our right and knowing it was Canada and the US was to our left. We went right by downtown Detroit and then entered Lake St. Clair. It is where we adopted Orion last September and we are staying at a marina right next door to the Yacht Club where the previous owners kept her. It is so strange being back here! From here on every mile we travel will be new territory for both of us.  Orion has done 3000 miles, but we are only 1500 into the 6000 mile loop according to the map.  Here we go…

Tom and I walked to West Marine this afternoon and bought some boat cleaning supplies and a new zipper cover for our 50 amp electric cord. We had a cocktail with Al up on the flying bridge after dinner and took Madison for a walk around the marina.  We will be here 3 nights because I could not find another marina north of us until Sunday evening.  We will try to embrace the down time and get some projects done. St. Clair Shores is a beautiful town and great area for shopping and eating!


ArizonaAuntie said…
Beautiful sunset! Relax for a few days!😊
Jennifer Holsen said…
I bet the sights are fantastic wherever you go. I’m so jealous of your experience. I wish I was younger and I would have signed on as a deckhand.

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