Sturgeon Bay Day 3

 Yesterday was sort of a lazy, uneventful day, but today we kept quite busy. We were all up and showered early and walked to the Farmer’s Market on the other side of the channel. Our friend Jim is docked over there and he met us and went along. It was at least a mile walk and we had to cross over one of the lift bridges on foot, but it was worth it.  The market was not big but they had beautiful vegetables and we also bought some homemade salsa and pickled mushrooms.  Mushrooms for Tom - not me…. 😜

We had Madison with us so we found an restaurant with a dog-friendly patio and stopped for some lunch, then all of us walked back to our marina so Lynette and I could spend a little time at the pool and the guys could watch college football in the marina lounge. After a rousing game of bags we changed clothes and headed out once again on foot for downtown. Every Saturday during the summer they have an event called Under the Stars where they close off a section of the main downtown street and all the shops are open along with street booths and a food truck.  Music was being performed on each end and it was surprisingly well attended. They have a darling downtown and wonderful shops and at the end we ate dinner at a great restaurant with Door County cherry pie for dessert.  We had arranged a ride back to our marina and Jim walked the 4 blocks to his and our busy day came to a close.


ArizonaAuntie said…
Sounds like you're having a great time! And it looks like the weather is being kind to you :-)
Jennifer Holsen said…
How amazing all the friends you are making. Sounds like all the places you stop are fabulous adventures.

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