Still Here

 Turns out that Michigan has LOTS of storms, wind, rain and general bad boating days on the Great Lakes. So, the waves were too big and too close to cross Saginaw Bay today. We used the time to change the oil and filter in the generator, fill the water tanks, hose down the boat, clean the bathroom and take Madison on a couple of long walks. Harbor Beach only has a population of about 1500, but it is a nice little town.  Everything is pristine and they have done a nice job with parks, walking and hiking trails and everywhere you walk are story boards telling the history of the place. There are some great museums, original schoolhouse and pieces of shipwrecks just to name a few things.

Madison got to wade in Lake Huron today and chase rocks, we walked through the RV and camp ground across the road and we were a little nostalgic about our own RV days just last summer… I made a simple spaghetti dinner and had Al over to eat with us, so it was a nice evening.

Weather report looks favorable, so we will once again get up an hour before sunrise and hope to be moving out onto the lake at first light.


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