Mackinaw City

 We left at first light for the last time with Al, on Sea Magic, and arrived in Mackinaw City just before noon.  We could not have asked for a smoother ride! Today was every boater’s dream day. The marina is pretty full even with all the people who choose to stay on Mackinac Island itself. We got settled and then took the ferry over to the island with Al to re-connect with some of our looper friends. There were 15 looper boats over there!! Needless to say, we saw lots of old friends and made some new ones too. We heard that everyone was partying together till quite late into the night last night, and decided that the quieter moorage across the water was more our speed. LOL!

Since we have been to Mackinac Island several times we didn’t feel the need to walk to the Grand Hotel or take a horse and buggy tour, so another couple, Wade and Kathleen on Irish Lass, came with us and we walked downtown past all the restaurants, souvenir shops, fudge shops and bicycle rental places. We found somewhere to stop for a sandwich, bought the obligatory fudge and headed back to the mainland on the ferry. There we walked through the shopping district across the street from the marina and then headed back to the boat.

There was a concert band performing in the band shell next to the marina, so we took Madison and our canvas chairs to listen for the hour long performance.  They really were very good for a band made up of high schoolers and adult residents. The funny part of the evening was that there are so many geese around here they cover areas of the lawn.  The lawn in front of the bandshell is one of their favorite spots so we had to be very careful where we put our chairs and our feet. Madison, however, had a few “snacks” before we could stop her and I watched 2 other dogs do the same!  LOL!

When we got back from the concert we found that Al had left a nice bottle of red wine and a note. I wrote him one and enclosed our boat card and we will say good-bye tomorrow morning.

Mackinaw Bridge all lit up at night…


Jennifer Holsen said…
Sounds wonderful. Always wanted to visit there.
ArizonaAuntie said…
You are seeing some amazing sunsets!

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