Harbor Beach MI

 I’m a little surprised to be here - we thought it would be a bad weather day and we would have to stay in Lexington another day. Instead, a huge storm cell moved through at 2 am and we were actually on the very southern edge of it. Lots of wind, torrential rains, lightening and thunder… The boat was swinging in the slip and Madison was having a panic attack, so Tom was up checking lines and putting Madison’s thunder shirt on her.  😂. End result was that the weather was good during the day today and we left at 9 am for Harbor Beach.

It was another 40 mile trip and the wind and wave action only picked up during the last hour. The wind was pretty strong when we got into the marina and they were kind enough to give us a slip where the wind would snug us up against the dock. About 2 hours after we docked a rainstorm hit here.  Seems the storms pop up mid-afternoon every day this time of year.

The gal in the marina office gave us and Al a ride into town to the only restaurant, a bar & grill where we ate and then she picked us up afterward. This town is pretty desolate and not one of the pretty ones…. We will get up early, check the weather forecast and make a determination on whether to travel or not.  If we go, it will be an 8 hour day crossing Saginaw Bay, so we have to be sure.


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