Egg Harbor

Just a quick run down the coast to Egg Harbor this morning and we are all tucked into the cute marina. A steep walk up the hill puts you into a beautiful city park with killer views and then you are on Main Street where all the shops and restaurants are. After lunch on the boat we set off to explore and the best find of the day was the Drink Wisconsinbly store - for real! What a hoot! Some souvenirs may or may not have been purchased….  LOL!

The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and Lynette and I did summit the hill once more to go buy a flat of water at the grocery. There was supposed to be a Norwegian Fiddle Fest in one of the parks tonight so we decided to check it out.  Turns out it was inside the library and was really more Scottish type music. We listened to a little of it and then came back to the boat for the sunset.

There are supposed to be storms heading this way which will kick up Lake Michigan so tomorrow we are headed back to Sturgeon Bay to hunker down and wait them out before continuing down the eastern shore of WI. Here’s hoping we won’t have to wait more than 3 days before moving on…


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