Still Here

 After a pity party for one on Sunday, I have a better attitude about our trials and tribulations and have embraced our extended stay in Fairport. We have so much to be thankful for - our health, each other and happy healthy animals.  We honestly could not have gotten stranded in a nicer spot and we now know the town like the back of our hands!  Haha.  Tom said after another day he's going to register to vote...  There are help wanted signs in every window, so we could always get temporary employment!

Someday we will look back on this period of time and remember all the wonderful long walks through the historic neighborhoods, great meals and meeting such nice people.  They are doing some repairs to the lift bridge just down from our boat and we now know one of the workmen - we walk by so often.  LOL! Residents of the condos just beside the boat routinely come down to the dock now and ask how we are and chat.  Madison is somewhat of a celebrity and has never gotten so many pets and so much attention.  She told us she never wants to leave... We are starting to recognize people now and I saw the hostess from one of the restaurants we have been to walking along the canal path yesterday!  😂

We have been to 2 of the ice cream shops here and both are wonderful, I have read and returned books to the little library box on the canal dock, we attended an outdoor concert in the town gazebo Thursday evening and have taken long walks along the canal paths only to discover great parks! We walked 2 miles to Wegman's grocery this morning and then Ubered back with our groceries, so we are once again well stocked.  And - I discovered that the washing machine on board works really well, so I have washed a couple of loads and hang things to dry on my drying rack. 

The water has gone down about a foot during the day today, but I don't know what things look like further down the canal. So - we wait...


ArizonaAuntie said…
Attitude is everything, and it sounds like yours is a good one!😊

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