Last Day at Pirates Cove

 It's been a good holiday weekend here, but we are anxious to get moving down the canal.  Dewey is recovering nicely and it is unlikely another emergency vet visit will have to happen. We have used the time here to catch up on laundry, boat washing and some social time with new looper friends we met here. Yesterday for the 4th of July the 6 of us had a potluck barbecue at one of the picnic tables on site using one of the guys grill he brought from his boat. Had some yummy food, lots of laughs and made friendships that will last a long time.  We are all going our separate ways this week, but will likely meet up on Lake Michigan somewhere.

Tom and I went to the pool today for a bit and although the water was cold, it was nice to sit there and soak up some sun. The 6 of us loopers ate dinner at the bar and grill next to the pool one last time, which was fun.


ArizonaAuntie said…
Looks like you had beautiful weather😊
Glad Dewey is doing well.
Jennifer Holsen said…
Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend. I see you are in the move!!!

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