Erie PA

 Finally pulled into Wolverine Marina in Erie PA about 3 pm after a very long day on the lake. Weather was really good for the first half of the trip, then the wind gradually picked up, and although it was benign by Lake Erie standards, it was an uncomfortable ride for about 4 hours. Waves were up to two feet with the occasional 3 footer and we bounced around pretty good. Fortunately I had prepared the inside of the boat so lamps, appliances, etc were safe.

Funny side story from today - about 3 hours into the trip Tom suddenly remembered that he forgot to take Madison out to pee this morning.  That meant she had not gone to the bathroom since 8:30 pm last night.  We felt terrible but this dog has an iron bladder.  I tried to get her to go on the cockpit of the boat when it was still pretty smooth, but she wouldn't go.  Finally about 2 pm she was in a panic and I leashed her up and took her out on the bow of the boat.  She peed forever! From now on we will be sure to potty the dog on these early mornings.

It's a nice marina here right next to a Sheraton hotel and in a sheltered bay, so no bouncing waves.  Presque Isle state park is right across the bay, but no water taxis are running, so we will not be going over there.  I guess it's a beautiful state park with beaches, hiking trails and the most photographed lighthouse in the US.

We are headed to bed early tonight - we are beat!


Jennifer Holsen said…
Too bad you can’t train her to pee off the side of the boat😜. Maybe a puddle pad like when we trained puppies.

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