
 It was a short travel day today, but it was stressful in it's own way due to annoying little things that happened.  We waited for a pump-out at Pirate's Cove which we had scheduled for 9 am and finally at 9:15 someone sauntered out and we paid $5 for a "coin" to run the pump.  Apparently it is powerful enough for only small boats, because Tom spent more time waiting for the pump to prime and pressure to build than he did pumping.  It is on a timer (4 minutes) which did not begin to empty our tank and we ended up paying another $5 for another 4 minutes.  Argh... just an annoyance and we got a later start than we had planned.  We had pretty good weather for the trip and only one lock.

The free city dock here in Baldwinsville is quiet (we are next to a cemetery.  LOL) and the town is within walkable distance.  We docked just as a huge thunderstorm rolled through with thunder, lightening and big rain.  We couldn't hook up the electric for awhile until the storm passed.  There was an issue with the power pedestal near our boat, so we had to move the boat with the lines and then it was one issue after another getting the right cord connected to match the power from the pedestal.  We finally got power, but only 30 amps so not enough to run the AC - ugh!  We were able to run the generator long enough to cool things down, but it was hot and sticky!

The bright spot of the stay was lunch - we found a cute place in an old Victorian house and I had the best sandwich I've ever had.  (High praise from someone who doesn't normally eat sandwiches....) It was pear, brie and bacon with peppered mayo and it was a panini - so it was warm. Homemade coleslaw finished it off!  More storms moved through while we were eating and the power went off in the whole town!  We ate in the semi-dark, but thank goodness our food was ready before the loss of power. 


ArizonaAuntie said…
Wait! A sandwich for you? You, the girl who usually removes the bread/bun? Wow, it must have been delicious (sounds delish to me, yum).
Sorry about the pump and the power, but sure looks green and pretty there!
Jennifer Holsen said…
Life seems to be filled with moments of challenge sprinkled with delightful scenery and social connections. Oh, and some really good food!!!

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