Another Day

We had thunder storms complete with thunder and lightening this morning, so we didn't go anywhere.  And Madison spent the morning in her thunder coat and pacing around the salon. I made french toast for breakfast and we stayed inside watching the rain.  Mid morning a huge 50+ foot boat pulled in and we couldn't believe they had been out on the lake in that weather.  They tried several times to pull into a slip and every time the wind blew them around too much.  We were surprised that the marina didn't have them do a side-tie to a long dock, but just then we watched in horror as the guy smashed the back end of his boat into a dock. He finally tied up on a long dock next to us and we talked to him about his boat damage.  He put a pretty good hole in his swim platform which holds his dinghy and it's a fancy platform that raises and lowers the dinghy, so it's probably 10's of thousands in damage.  He spent the morning on the phone with his insurance company and taking pictures of the slip they tried to put him in that was too small.  I guess he asked 4 times to do a side tie and they said no.  Somehow I think there will be fingers pointed before this is over.  They are very nice people - I feel so bad for them.

The other excitement today was that Tom discovered a gravel road leading from the marina property at the edge of the park here that lead to a paved road and to an island where people have permanent boat slips and have built out fancy docks and screened in porches, etc. We took Madison with us and must have walked for almost an hour and returned to find a huge gate locked across the access back into the marina property.  Neither of us had brought our phones because I had my Apple watch and the gate had a combination padlock on it and barbed wire.  Yikes! I had 10% power left on my watch and was able to make one call to the office to ask them to come let us in.  The guy was more interested in lecturing me about leaving the property than helping, and after another 10 minutes or so I started hollering for help from the adults who were setting up tents in the park for the camper sleepover tonight.  This nice woman, Evelyn, keeps here boat here and she placed a call to the dockmaster and he came right away. The gate is usually locked and closed, I guess, and was only open because some electricians had driven through earlier.  Geez-Louise!

Other than that adventure we had a lazy day and will not be traveling tomorrow either, since the weather is set to deteriorate overnight.  Maybe we will get to go to Cleveland on Saturday.  Fingers crossed. 


ArizonaAuntie said…
Never a dull moment for you two!😄
Jennifer Holsen said…
Your adventures bring smiles to my face! Never a dull moment. Loved the boat pictures on Facebook by the way.

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