Cape May

 Let me just say that I am so tired I'm not sure I can type this whole entry.  We got up at 4 am and left the dock at 5:15 am for the run down here to Cape May.  The weather was beautiful, hardly any commercial traffic and not too many swells and waves. The current got a little dicey after we enter the channel to Cape May, but we were all tucked in safe and sound by 11:30 am.  Floating docks this time - yay!

We met another couple last night who are from Nashville and doing the Loop and they are staying at the marina next door, so we went to an early dinner with them.  We plan to travel together as buddy boats to travel up the Atlantic to Atlantic City tomorrow.  Not such an early morning, though, as we plan to leave at 7 am.


Jennifer Holsen said…
I’m glad to hear you are with someone else. We worry about you guys!!

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