Hampton VA

We have moved back across the Chesapeake to Hampton VA and are in Salt Ponds Marina, where the advertised Wi-Fi is spotty at best, so I have been unable to blog.  I will catch you up and post if it lets me...

Friday - We left Cape Charles around 9 am after getting a pump-out and had a somewhat "uncomfortable" crossing of the bay. (I discovered this is code for "I think I feel a little seasick") Winds weren't bad and the waves were only 1-2 feet, but they were hitting us on the beam (on the side of the boat) which made for a lot of rolling around.  Both animals were feeling poorly, but no throwing up!

We got into our slip here at Salt Ponds around noon and were tired and hungry, so decided to get an Uber and get some lunch. Big mistake...  We had an Uber ride with a mad Russian only to have the worst meal I can remember.  Argh....

Saturday - We spent a lazy day around the boat after an early morning walk on the beach.  Madison was unimpressed, but it was a beautiful morning. 

Sunday - We washed the boat down and scrubbed the decks in the morning and boy, did we hose off a lot of dirt and dog hair! It was a warm sunny day so we had some beverages up on the flying bridge and Dewey even got an outing.  I had him tethered in a harness and somehow he made a jail-break and before I knew it was down a level trying to get inside.  Thanks goodness he didn't fall in the water! Guess I have to be a more attentive cat mama....


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