Welcome to our Blog!  We are Tom and Sarah Anderson from Scottsdale AZ and have retired, purchased and lived on an RV for a month or two and are now living on our North Pacific 43 motor yacht, the Orion.  We hope to share our adventures and travels with you as we go.

We both retired in July, sold our home and many of our belongings, bought a motor home and stored the rest of our belongings 2000 miles away. We bought our boat in Michigan at the end of September and have traveled about 1000 miles trying to get to warmer weather before winter sets in and causes problems for us. Needless to say, it's been a wild four months! 

So many of our friends have been inquiring about our "blog" and to be honest, we have been so focused on getting to warm waters, we haven't had time.  Our plan for the remaining two months of this train wreck of 2020 is to get Orion to a shipyard in VA where we will have her hauled out and have the bottom painted in preparation for saltwater life.  She will remain "on the hard" while we head to CA to meet our newest grandchild, swing through Phoenix to touch base with a few friends while socially distancing and return to Minnesota for Christmas and New Years. In January we will be back in Baltimore to support our son, Daniel, and his family as they move into their new home, then back to the boat to officially begin our big adventure.

We will try to fill in the blanks in the days ahead regarding bringing the boat through the great lakes, through the Erie Canal. down the Hudson River, out into the Atlantic and down the Chesapeake Bay.  Understandably, we are equal parts excited and exhausted!  Through it all, Orion is starting to feel like home and we are both looking forward to sharing our journey with you.

Tom and Sarah 


Jennifer Holsen said…
So glad your blog is up and running. Have been so anxious to hear about your travels. Love you guys!!!

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