Deltaville VA

 We continue to make progress moving the boat south and are finally in Virginia.  We stopped for a night on Solomons Island yesterday after a warm, calm day on the Chesapeake. The new game we played was dodging crab pots! The steel cages used to trap live crabs are hidden below the surface of the water and the cage is marked by a bobbing float about the size of a cantaloupe. They must be avoided or you risk getting the lines tangled in your prop - not something I want to experience.  Anyway, apparently crabs are plentiful here because it was a mine field - felt like whack-a-mole - just when I thought there couldn't be any more, I would spot 6 more!!  Kuddos to Tom for threading the boat through the crab pot gauntlet.

Solomons Island was a delightful stop and I look forward to coming back when we can spend more time.  But, today was another chapter....  We delayed our departure due to fog and although it had lifted in the marina area, when we got out on the bay, it quickly closed in on us.  I'm happy to report that the radar worked and other boaters slowed down and kept in touch via radio, so no collisions, but plenty of frayed nerves.  The fog lifted about 2 hours prior to our arrival here in Deltaville, but then the crab pots appeared!!  I'm going to have PTSD over those things!  Our trip took a couple of hours longer than planned because of the fog and we got to the marina and our dock just as it was getting dark.  Just a little more stress to finish out the day.  Note to self - I must keep more wine on the boat....


ArizonaAuntie said…
You certainly are getting a wide range of experience!😄 You two will be ready for anything!
And, you now know of a great area for a good crab dinner!😋
Jennifer Holsen said…
Interesting about all the crab pots. I’ve been caught in the fog in Chesapeake Bay and it’s no fun. Glad you made to your next port safely. Now you should go out and enjoy some crab!!

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